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hiee i xinyi...:)a 6justice crazy women n a doggie maniac..if u hate mi just get lost

I love: arcade, lollipop, toys, fluffy stuff, pepperlunch, jackets, shoes, screaming,
teddy bears,...(:

Be smarter loh
get in to stnicks or nyg



July 2008
August 2008
September 2008


Audrey old blog
audrey new blog
denise tan

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Special thanks to:
x x x x


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my special space.

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Monday, August 25, 2008♥

in comp lab (imac) one nth to say cos nth the hell happened  zzz... haha so lame

soap(fei zhao) of fei chang superband got kicked out buahahahahahahahahaahahahhaaha im so evil buahbuah..

Friday, August 22, 2008♥

helllo ... lol nv post cos exams 46 for math only ..sad

mondae-el prelim paper ...stamach pain as usual..after skoll go amk slack....haha

tuesdae-math pap.ran out of time to do all and no hcl went aud home..took cab back home

wednesdae-rain cat pap. ha so fun. went amk slack again..

thursdae-science pap. got stamach pain untill hair stand up.went slack again...fell down chair during science ..._...

fridae-hcl last pap!!!!so boring went kk visit minting then go wrong tower went womens tower then they ask wong minting gib birth already? haha. minting seem so happy 2 c us fell down chair wen laughin

bb all

Monday, August 18, 2008♥

duno wad to type i nv revise 4 prelim buahaha i dun care........ so prepared do badly :D going vrazy in i mac comp lab now mrs hum bring us lol blah blah ....yesterdae go slack @  AMK wif denise yeo ............ spend alot on food nth to say liao bye bye 

                                                                                          hihi bbye

Friday, August 15, 2008♥

hello all so long nv post cos no time psle todae n yesterdae el-fun denise-i miss yr dog dun miss u (so evil)llllooolllli went eat mac on psle so tasty(droolss...)kwei came my house both daes she mess my study room AGAIN!!! lol saws jin shan @ bus stop haha shi min say she grew fatter n she bcame student counciler...wadeva larh zzz nth to say liao mi n kewei keep slackin around frm amk to j8 to my house down stairs.....

muacks byes:D

Saturday, August 9, 2008♥

ALICIA LEE YU QIN -i dun hate u any more lorh after fridae ......
anyway todae plaeing comp whole dae...loolll then watch tv while plae com n then watch tv then bath n plae com again buahahahaha nth happen except that UATO-xris n clement was on9 ......n xris plaes guzheng when she in ximin sec i ali i dun care if u gimmi a b'dae present anot but if u going mini toons use my member card pls:Pand fine im sorry for saying things @ sops blog ok but i was too angry that time lorh ...and anyways i DUN USE YOU FOR UR MONEY!!

Friday, August 8, 2008♥

lol todae connect sg thing make us stay under the sun for 100000000hours lorh...waste my time dun evenhab president camera men ther lorhs..went denise house in the morning and saw doggie sooo cute...then after skool went amk wid kewei mini toons buy keychain and before taking bus home went plaeground....haha lols during connect sg went crazy wave to peps on the road for nth.....haha tired but ok larh sometime quite fun:)


Thursday, August 7, 2008♥

helo all btw,sop wadeva went take neoprint going crazy cant post so much liao ....saddd;)

mondae-cant remember..old liaosss...
tuesdae-llk nv come cos she fell down i go crazy broke the silence with my horrible laughter then i start chasin sam yeo n kewei wif penknife cos they go shoot paper at mi (fuckers)...
wednesdae-llk came back got scolding n duno larh..
todae-go neos,denise n kewei came my house idoit kewei mess my book shelf did last mintute ko shi thingy in skool tyty to ruhui *muacks*......
thats all tata

Sunday, August 3, 2008♥

lol mondae-prelim lc
next mondae-psle oral
done most of my homework liao yaaayy i did nth impressive todae haha... and going denise yeo house on fridae in the morning lol finally can c her doggie .....i going crazy over dogs haha...
feel like going neoprint finally soph i worth more than u yay!!!:)
prediction of wad u will say:lame larh u...
but i dun care:))

Saturday, August 2, 2008♥

sry for posting so late ...haha currently tokin to bun... go dsa creeped out my guzheng tee is instruter ther ...oral so fun lols tmrw got listening then next week psle oral fri connet in morning go mac wif frens
lols bought new jacket :P haha wasteb moni psps 4 not postin cos no time @ all lol to sop (i dun care liao i cant take it anymoree)alicia is a backstabber betrayer fker bitch sumo raper lyer attention grabber trader use mi get more frens n get more nice stuff she suck like hell hate her and i dun care if she hates me ...say wad she got thrid eye my foot i tell u my fooottt
i feel sorry to say this but..I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!
u may think now i was using u for moni but i was not .aud mi qian casin was not usin u we were ur true frens but now not anymore so live with it i dun care if u cry die or hate mi but if i dun say it out i will dieeee...
sry readers , to say all this but i cant take it!! lol hw so freakin lot zzz..

Jenny (Chipmunk Version) - The Click Five